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Starting from the ()of the purpose of pedagogy research, Hirst believes that education





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更多“Starting from the ()of the pur…”相关的问题
A.He suggests working with the school board.B.He suggests starting the project from hi

A.He suggests working with the school board.

B.He suggests starting the project from his hospital.

C.He suggests making the project more popular.

D.He suggests going to the school to spread the project.

From the passage we know that Larry Page ().A. was born into a rich merchant familyB. was

From the passage we know that Larry Page ().

A. was born into a rich merchant family

B. was once a student in Stanford University

C. published some academic articles when young

D. was Brin's important partner in starting Google

Starting from B14 version of ZXCTN 9000 product, we can use command()in hidden mode t
Starting from B14 version of ZXCTN 9000 product, we can use command()in hidden mode t

o synchronize MAC addresses of master/slave main boards to avoid serious results from inconsistent master/slave MAC addresses.

"Capitalism requires capital" (Line 2, Para. 2) can be interpreted as ______ .A.capitalism

"Capitalism requires capital" (Line 2, Para. 2) can be interpreted as ______ .

A.capitalism is involved around capital

B.capitalism needs the support of capital

C.capitalism is a word derived from capital

D.capital is essential for starting business

Why does the author use the phrase "for next November" (Line 3, Para. 1)?A.According to th

Why does the author use the phrase "for next November" (Line 3, Para. 1)?

A.According to the Old Testament freshwater is available only in November.

B.Rainfall comes only in winter starting from November.

C.Running water systems will not be ready until next November.

D.It is a custom in that region that irrigation to crops is done only in November.

Today we have an () need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school
Today we have an () need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school

(), continues through college, and then leads to starting a family and having a (), the so-called () years. Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different (). They take breaks from school, live with friends and often () to living with their parents. (), they fall in and out of love, quit one job and try another or even () to a new career. So, we need to () this new stage, the odyssey years, which many now consider to be an unavoidable stage in reaching ().

The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that created by human beings! If you
come to China without climbing the Great Wall, it's just like going Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔); or going to Egypt without visiting the Pyramids(金字塔).Men often say, “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the “Great Wall” until the Qin Dynasty.However, the wall we see today, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayunguan Pass in the west, was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty.

听力原文:M: Oh, look at the sky, Cathy! It's starting to get cloudy.W: I see it. I hope it

听力原文:M: Oh, look at the sky, Cathy! It's starting to get cloudy.

W: I see it. I hope it doesn't rain. I thought it was going to be a fine day today.

M: That's certainly what the department was hoping for when they chose today as the day for the annual picnic.

W: You can't have a picnic without good weather. You need sunshine for all the eating and games and entertainment.

M: Yeah, sunshine—but not too much! Do you remember last year?

W: I sure do. It was so hot all we did was look for shade, look for ways to escape from the sun.

M: And no one wanted to participate in any of the planned activities. All we wanted was cold drinks. And then dozed off.

W: If there had just been the tiniest breeze to cool us off...

M: But there wasn't. Just the burning sun, without a cloud in the sky, and the temperature just seemed to climb higher and higher.

W: Well, we don't have that problem this year, apparently. Alan, did you hear the weather forecast? Is it supposed to rain?

M: I don't know. I didn't catch the weather report. But maybe if it'rains, it will only be a short shower which cools thing off a little. That might not be bad.


A.They are planning a picnic for the department.

B.They are having a picnic organized by the department.

C.They are discussing how to escape from the sun.

D.They are drinking and talking about the weather.

听力原文:The first step in exercising for most people is determining whether or not they s

听力原文: The first step in exercising for most people is determining whether or not they should. This is particularly true with anyone over thirty-five, especially if they have been heavy smokers. (33) Likewise, young adults who have been very inactive should process slowly and with caution. A physical evaluation from a physician is recommended, preferably one that includes an exercise-stress test. While a person is exercising, a stress test detects cardiovascular (心血管的) problems that might not show up when the body is at rest. This is done by monitoring blood pressure, pulse rate, oxygen consumption, and the hearts electrical activity while exercising.

Whatever exercise program is selected, (34) it is important to start with warm-up periods. These should include stretching exercises, jumping jacks, or active walking. The idea is to increase heart rate and circulation slowly without placing a sudden strain on the heart or the muscles that are starting to work. The next phase in developing an exercise program is to determine the amount of exercise that is enough to condition the muscles and cardiovascular system without overly straining the body. This involves taking one's pulse and finding one's target zone.

(35) This target zone, or safe-training pulse rate, is established by subtracting one's age from 220 and then taking 60 percent to 80 percent of that total. If you are just starting to exercise, 60 percent is recommended; 80 percent is recommended if you are already in good condition.

Questions:33. What should the inactive young adults do when they decide to do exercise?

34.What does warm-up exercise exclude?

35.What would be the suggested the safe-training pulse rate if you are a beginner and at the age of 45?


A.To determine whether-or-not they should.

B.To process slowly and with caution.

C.To have a muscle check.

D.To increase heart rate.

Passage 4Dieting advisor Dr. Robert Atkins recommends eating a diet high in protein for th

Passage 4

Dieting advisor Dr. Robert Atkins recommends eating a diet high in protein for those who want to lose weight and keep it off. The hamburger patty is good, the hamburger bun bad, according to the _1_ of Atkins, who has turned his philosophies into a dieting revolution, starting with his first book, Dr.Atkins Diet Revolution, in 1972. Atkins,books _2_ top best-seller lists. Atkins companies have made millions of dollars in sales of specialty low-carb food products and carb-counting scales. But the popularity of Atkins’ eating advice, now appealing to another generation, is _3_ some food companies who rely on the consumer _4_ for carbohydrate-laden foods such as pastas and pizzas, cakes, cookies and cereals, to add weight to their own bottom lines. “Our industry has to do something, and soon. It is starting to become a _5_belief that carbohydrates are bad,” said Judi Adams, director of the Wheat Foods Council. Part of the society&39;s push will be in Washington, where federal health officials are starting talks on _6_ to the nation&39;s 11-year-old Food Guide Pyramid. Currently, the pyramid puts bread, cereals, rice and pasta as the _7_ for healthy eating. The strategy is a direct attack on Atkins: Americans who follow the Atkins diet _8_ their risk of health problems that include cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, kidney damage and some cancers, the Wheat Foods Council says. According to Atkins, he is not looking to go to war with the food companies, and even Atkins diehards allow for an _9_ doughnut or cookie. “We teach people how to respect it and, on rare occasions, have it in _10_,” he said. “We know people can’t stay away from it forever.”

A) mainstream

B) increase

C) profitable

D) occasional

E) routinely

F) panicking

G) foundation

H) hasty

I) recommends

J) appetite

K) teachings

L) revisions

M) empirically

N) moderation

O) merge


Since 1066 the blood of many other races has been added to the original English mixture. N
ot only have Welsh, Scots and Irishmen made their homes in England, but also Jews, Russians, Germans—people from almost every country in Europe—as well as many West Indians, Indians: and others from the Commonwealth (英联邦).

As the English are such a mixed people, local customs and accents in England vary a great deal and local pride. is still strong in some parts of the country. Both Leonard Townsend and Herbert Perkins al- ways think of themselves as Northerners, although they have moved to the south. Leonard is as proud of being a Yorkshire man as Iran Macdonald is of being a Scot (苏格兰人).

The closer one gets to London, the less one notices such differences, for London is a melting-pot. People from all over Britain and from all over the world pour into the giant city. London tends to ' melt down' and smooth out strong accents and local customs. Every year the influence of London spreads fur-her and further into the country, north, south, east and west, but particularly into the south and south- east. In an effort to stop London from spreading any more, new overspill towns are being built forty to filly miles outside London. London from are encouraged to move to a new town, or at least to open new branches there instead of in another part of London. This policy is now beginning to have results. Until recently the greater London region had a population of twelve million, but this figure is starting to drop.

Which of the following is NOT the meaning of the sentence "Since 1066 the blood ... "in Para. 1?

A.People from other countries have settled down in England.

B.Many foreigners have died and been buried in England.

C.Foreign people have immigrated into England.

D.People from other countries have become Englishmen.

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