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What kind of weather is normal for March?A.Cold.B.Very hot.C.Cooler than

What kind of weather is normal for March?


B.Very hot.

C.Cooler than that day.

D.Drier than that day.

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更多“What kind of weather is normal…”相关的问题
What kind of weather will be expected by midnight in most parts of the country?A.Sunny.B.R

What kind of weather will be expected by midnight in most parts of the country?





听力原文:M: Did you hear the weather forecast?W: Yes, they said it would be slightly above

听力原文:M: Did you hear the weather forecast?

W: Yes, they said it would be slightly above freezing tomorrow.

Q: What kind of weather are they having?






听力原文:M: It's so cold now, but this morning it was so hot and sunny. I wish there was a
way I could always be wearing the most suitable clothes for the temperature.

W: I recently read that in ten years we’ll be wearing clothes that change with the weather. So when it's cold, our clothes will warm up, and when it's hot, our clothes will cool off.

M: Oh, very funny! So we'll be wearing gigantic clothes with built-in air conditioners and heaters.

W: I'm being serious! Researchers have discovered a method of treating fibers with plastic crystals capable of storing and releasing heat as the temperature fluctuates. These treated' fibers absorb more heat than untreated fibers. Researchers are still working with this, but soon this process will be widespread.

M: That's fascinating. I didn't know that fibers had the capability of storing heat. How does that work?

W: These fibers work with the heat by rearranging their structures. The treated fibers move back and forth between two solid shapes.

M: I don't understand. What kind of shapes do they change into?

W: When the weather gets warmer, the crystals take on cube shapes and absorb heat. When the weather gets cooler, the crystals become cooler and even back to their original tetragonal structure.

M: That's truly unbelievable. You said that it'll be a decade before this type of clothes will be available. What a shame! I don't think I can wait that long.


A.He is surprised.

B.He is skeptical.

C.He is disgusted.

D.He is alarmed.

听力原文:W: Hi, John!M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?W: Uh ... I' m usually here

听力原文:W: Hi, John!

M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?

W: Uh ... I' m usually here on weekends. It' s my dad' s shop. So you' re looking for a bike?

M: Yeah. Now that the weather' s warming up, I thought 1' d get some exercisc—instead of taking the bus all the time.

W: Well, you came to the fight place. Do you know what you' d like?

M: Well, I don' t want a racer or a touring bike or anything. Mostly I' 11 just be using it to get me back and forth from work.

W: How far is that?

M: About four miles.

W: Are there a lot of hills on the way?

M: Some, I guess, But ... uh ... maybe I should just tell you up front that I' ye only got a hundred and fifty dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?

W: Well, you' re not going to get anything top-of-the-line--but we do have a few trade-ins in the back that' re in good condition.

M: That sounds good.

W: And you' re fight, for the kind of riding you' re going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. You want to make sure it' s the right height for you. Follow me and I' 11 show you what we' ve got.


A.She's waiting for her father.

B.She's having her bicycle repaired.

C.She wanted to surprise John.

D.She works there.

听力原文:W: Hi, John.M: Oh! Hi, Laura. What are you doing here?W: Uh. I'm usually here on

听力原文:W: Hi, John.

M: Oh! Hi, Laura. What are you doing here?

W: Uh. I'm usually here on weekends. It's my dad's shop. So you are looking for a bike?

M: Yeah. Now that the weather is warming up, I thought I get some exercise instead of taking the bus all the time.

W: Well, you came to the right place. Do you know what you would like?

M: Well, I don't want a racer or a touring bike or anything. Mostly I'll just be using it to get me back and forth from work.

W: How far is that?

M: About four miles.

W: Are there a lot of hills on the way?

M: Some I guess. But maybe I should tell you at the front that I only got 150 dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?

W: Well, you are not going to get anything top of the line. But we do have a few trade-ins in the back that are in good condition.

M: That sounds good.

W: And you are right. For the kind of ride you are going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. You want to make sure it's the right height for you. Follow me and I'll show you what we've got.


A.She is spending the weekends.

B.She sells bikes for her dad.

C.She looks for a bike.

D.She gets some exercise with a bike.

听力原文:M: Ozone is an extremely active gas comprised of three atoms of oxygen. Ozone exi
sts naturally in the Earth's upper atmosphere, the stratosphere, where it shields the Earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays. However, ozone found close to the Earth's surface, called ground-level ozone, is a component of smog and a harmful substance.

W: What is the ground-level ozone? Where does it come from?

M: Ground-level ozone is a colorless gas that can be found in the air we breathe. It is formed through a complex chemical reaction between volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight. It is hard to be watched by eyes.

W: Who is considered most at risk from exposure to ground-level ozone?

M: Children are the most at risk from exposure to ground-level ozone: Their respiratory systems are still developing and they breathe more air per pound of body weight than adults.

W: From what you've just said, can I infer that ground-level ozone is closely related to summer, the hot days?

M: Ground-level ozone is a summer time problem; children spend most of the summer outside playing at summer camps, playgrounds, and neighborhood parks and in backyards.

W: How do I know when ground-level ozone concentrations are high?

M: Ground-level ozone concentrations tend to be especially high during summer when the weather is hot and sunny.

W: Is there any organization providing relevant information?

M: The staff from the departments concerned has developed a procedure to inform. the public about expected ground-level ozone readings. Each afternoon from May 1st through September 15th, the staff retrieve and review monitored ozone data and weather forecast information. Then they develop ground-level ozone forecasts for the following day.


A.It exists close to the surface of the Earth.

B.It is a component of smog and a harmful substance.

C.It is a kind of yellow gas.

D.It is formed through a complex reaction.

听力原文:W: Did you have a good time last weekend?M: Yes, I did. I visited some friends in

听力原文:W: Did you have a good time last weekend?

M: Yes, I did. I visited some friends in Pennsylvania. They live in a small town called Canonsburg.

W: That must have been interesting. I've never been in a small town——just big cities.

M: Neither had I.

W: What did you do?

M: There isn't as much to do as there is here. No plays or concerts, that is, people make their own entertainment, though.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, Saturday we went to a potluck supper.

W: A potluck supper? What's that?

M: The whole neighborhood has a party. Everybody brings something. It's all put on the table and you can eat whatever you like. That is a potluck supper.

W: It's something like a picnic, isn't it?

M: Well, yes. The weather was warm, so we had this one outdoors. But in winter they have them indoors too.

W: What else did you do?

M: Sunday we went for a drive. We had lunch at a drive-in.

W: Is the countryside interesting?

M: Beautiful farmland. You'd like it.

W: I'm sure I would.

M: Sunday evening some people came to dinner. It was very informal we just sat around and talked. Just a nice Sunday night supper.

W: That's the kind of evening I like. I don't care for a formal dinner so much.

M: Neither do I.


A.He went to visit his friends in Pennsylvania.

B.He went out on a picnic.

C.He went to a concert.

D.He went to a formal dinner.

From a rhetorical point of view, which kind of sentence does the following sentence b
elong to? At last, with no small difficulty, and after much fatigue, through deep roads and bad weather, we came to our journey's end().




D、Both periodic and loose

听力原文:To quickly review the main points covered in Chapter 1, the most important part o

听力原文: To quickly review the main points covered in Chapter 1, the most important part of sports is its influence and popularity among people from different walks of life throughout the world. Then what is the case here? Well, if you judge by the number of people who go to see the games and by the number of those who actually play it, basketball is probably the most popular sport in the U.S. It is mainly an indoor game, and the season extends from late fall, through the winter, to early spring. There are many professional teams, but for the most part basketball is a school sport. There is hardly a high school or college in the country that does not have its team and its loyal fans.

In spring and summer, the most popular sport is base-ball. During the warm weather, you can see young men and boys playing this game in many parts of the country. Radio and television bring the details of the big games to every corner of the land, and the activities of the professional teams are a topic of conversation for Americans everywhere.

In the fall, the most popular sport is football. As you know, this is not the same kind of game that is so popular in other parts of the world. Like basketball and baseball, it is typically American, and those who have never seen it before have difficulty seeing any sense in it. But for most of the spectators the game itself is not so important as the music, the cheering, and the festive spirit that go with it. On a cool bright autumn afternoon, there is nothing so colorful and exciting as a football game.


A.Sports in the United States.

B.The most popular sport in the U. S.

C.Three popular sports in the U.S.

D.Sports and U. S.


A.What the weather like in Shanghai

B.How the weather in Shanghai

C.What’s the weather like in Shanghai

--().-- 27 degrees Celsius.

A.The temperature may be higher.

B.How is the weather today?

C.What's the temperature today?

D.What does the weather forecast say?

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