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听力原文: Recently. a man who was always i13 good health, spent a week in bed with severe

flu. It was tile worse illness in his 1ife. The previous week, he and his wife separated. (30)It seems his unusual. ill health was connected with his bad feeling.

(29)Humans have long been aware that our health is linked with our thought, emotions and relationships. Now science is catching up with our suspicion. A new field of scientific investigation has developed. It's the study of how our thoughts and feelings work with our immune and nervous systems.

There are already researchers at medical schools who are devoted to the study. They are discovering surprising connections between mind and body. One researcher has been working will with breast cancer patients. She has been looking at the mental factors in their illness and treatment. (31)She has discovered that women who did not like to talk about the emotions created by their illness had more chance of dying in five years after treatment. Of a group of 52 patients, 16 women died. All 16 women had said they usually found it difficult to talk to people about their illness. So, simply speaking, it is bad for your health to keep negative feeling inside you. You need to talk about them to your family and friends.

Other research sh6ws that stress really can make you sick. People who lead stressful lives are more likely to fall ill with colds and flus and other illnesses. But, if you have lots of good quality relationships with family and friends in your life, then you are less likely to fall ill, even though the circumstance of your life might be difficult.


A.How people fall ill.

B.The influence of people's emotions on their health.

C.A new method to cure breast cancer.

D.Several ways to keep fit.

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更多“听力原文: Recently. a man who was …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Is your brother looking forward to going home for the winter holiday?M: He has

听力原文:W: Is your brother looking forward to going home for the winter holiday?

M: He has been counting the days recently.

Q: What can be inferred about the rnan's brother?


A.He is counting the days of the holiday.

B.He is not planning to go home.

C.He is eager to go back home.

D.He is going over his lessons.

听力原文:Why doesn't the man want to call Elizabeth?(26)A.He and Elizabeth had a fight rec

听力原文:Why doesn't the man want to call Elizabeth?


A.He and Elizabeth had a fight recently.

B.He heard Elizabeth also messed up on the last test.

C.He doesn't want to bother Elizabeth so late in the evening.

D.He prefers to study in his own dormitory.

听力原文:W: Have you saved enough money to buy that new printer for your computer yet?M: Y

听力原文:W: Have you saved enough money to buy that new printer for your computer yet?

M: You know, money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket recently. Let's just wait and see. Maybe next month.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He's not sure how much a printer costs.

B.He'll buy a computer later this week.

C.He lost money he was saving.

D.He doesn't have enough money to buy a printer now.

听力原文:W: What about the new printer you keep talking recently? Have you save enough to
buy it?

M: Oh,I don't want to talk about it. Money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He doesn't want a new printer any more,

B.He doesn't have enough money yet.

C.He has just bought the printer recently.

D.He lost the money he was saving.

听力原文:W: John has put on a lot of weight recently, it seems.M: Yes. Though his diet is

听力原文:W: John has put on a lot of weight recently, it seems.

M: Yes. Though his diet is strict he often rewards himself with a lot of chocolates.

Q: What does the woman think about John?


A.He doesn't go on a diet recently.

B.He usually takes his weight to work.

C.He has put on much weight.

D.He eats chocolate time and again.

听力原文:W: Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?M: You kno

听力原文:W: Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?

M: You know, money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket recently. Let's just wait and see. Maybe next month.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He% not sure how much a printer costs.

B.He'll buy a computer later this week.

C.He lost money he was saving.

D.He doesn't have enough money to buy a printer now.

听力原文:M:Rachel sounds like in a blue mood recently. I was quite worried about her. Did
she quarrel with her husband?

W:Don't you think that I am trying to figure it out? But I simply couldn't pin her down.

Q:What can we learn about the conversation?


A.Rachel has some problem with her husband.

B.It's hard to know Rachel's real feeling.

C.The man has got no chance to talk with Rachel.

D.The woman knows what Rachel is thinking about.

听力原文:M: I bumped into Mike at the Cafe and he said he would come to the surprise party

W: Oh, then he can join us, finally. Last time when I ran into him at the library, he still complained how hectic he has been recently.

Q: What did the woman assume first?


A.Mike will host the party tonight.

B.She met Mike just now.

C.She will go to the party with Mike tomorrow night.

D.Mike could not attend the party.

听力原文:W: We think Jason Becker is incredible. I was wondering, what are your thoughts a
bout Jasen Becker?

M: I think he is one of the greatest guitarists that ever walk the Earth and one of my biggest influences and it saddens me greatly whenever I think of his current condition.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.Jason Becket is not in condition recently.

B.His music influenced jason Becker greatly.

C.Jason Becket's music is often saddening.

D.Jason Becker has released a new album called Earth.

听力原文:M: So, what do you mean we have a lot to talk about my son? What is the problem w
ith him?

W: Oh, I am afraid you didn't know he had made up all sorts of reasons to skip school recently.

Q: What are they going to talk about?


A.The man needs to talk to his son more.

B.The man's son behaved badly in school.

C.The woman has lots of reason to expel the man's son.

D.The man always shows less care to his son.

听力原文:M: Ma, I can't finish the math homework, it's too difficult to do.W: You know wha

听力原文:M: Ma, I can't finish the math homework, it's too difficult to do.

W: You know what to do if there's a problem?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The child should know how to solve the math problems.

B.There won't be any difficulty in the math homework.

C.She wants to help the child with the math homework.

D.She wants to find out about the math problems.

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