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听力原文:Although the practice of the old Roman religion disappeared many centuries ago, s

听力原文: Although the practice of the old Roman religion disappeared many centuries ago, some traces of the Roman gods are still present in our daily vocabulary. The names of the Roman sun god, Sol, and the moon goddess, Luna, are used frequently in our language.

The word solar describes anything pertaining to the sun, and lunar anything pertaining to the moon. For example, the sun and the planets circling it are called the solar system. The period of time in which the earth circles the sun once is a solar year. The moon takes one lunar month to circle the earth. A lunar year of twelve lunar months is eleven days shorter than a solar year.

In some cases our language shows how these heavenly bodies affect us directly. A room or place for sunbathing is often called a solarium. We get our word parasol from the Italian word meaning "a guard against the sun". For many centuries it was believed that the moon affected people who were mentally ill. For this reason people who were mentally ill were often referred to as lunatics.



B.The moon.

C.The sun.


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更多“听力原文:Although the practice of …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: How do you find your new apartment?M: Well, it's quite nice really, although I

听力原文:W: How do you find your new apartment?

M: Well, it's quite nice really, although I have a hard time getting used to living in a big place.

Q: What is the man's problem?


A.He can't find his new apartment.

B.He had a bigger apartment before.

C.He finds the new apartment too big for him.

D.He's having a hard time finding an apartment.

听力原文:W: How did you do on the math exam, David?M: I barely made it.Q: What do we learn

听力原文:W: How did you do on the math exam, David?

M: I barely made it.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.David didn't pass, although he had tried his best.

B.David just got a passing score.

C.David got an excellent score, which was unexpected.

D.David was disappointed.

听力原文:W: How long do you plan to stay, Mr. Williams?M: I'm not sure. It all depends. Pr

听力原文:W: How long do you plan to stay, Mr. Williams?

M: I'm not sure. It all depends. Probably I'll leave as soon as I find another hotel.

Q: Where does the man probably stay now?


A.In a hospital.

B.At an airport.

C.At a bus station.

D.In a hotel.

听力原文:W: I want to try something new in the project. What's your opinion? M: Well, I pr

听力原文:W: I want to try something new in the project. What's your opinion?

M: Well, I prefer to go by the book. At least it is safer, isn't it?

Q: What does the man suggest?


A.Testing a new but safer method.

B.Strictly obeying the established rules.

C.Trying something new from the book.

D.Learning a new method through practice.

听力原文:W: What's wrong with Lampson and Nancy? She wouldn't speak a word to him.M: Oh, a

听力原文:W: What's wrong with Lampson and Nancy? She wouldn't speak a word to him.

M: Oh, although Lampson's watch read three forty-five, he was late for his four o'clock appointment with her.

Q: What is true of Lampson?


A.His watch is always accurate.

B.He's supposed to arrive at 3:45.

C.He forgot to look at his watch.

D.He failed to make his appointment on time.

听力原文:W: So you need someone to watch your dogs while you are away?M: Will that be a pr

听力原文:W: So you need someone to watch your dogs while you are away?

M: Will that be a problem for you?

Q: What does the man want to know?


A.Whether the woman needs his help.

B.Whether the woman has any pets.

C.Where the woman is going.

D.Whether the woman can take care of his pet.

听力原文:W: How did you do on the maths exam, John? M: I barely made it. It was just a pas

听力原文:W: How did you do on the maths exam, John?

M: I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better than I had expected.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.John didn't pass, although he had tried his best.

B.John did better than he thought he was able to.

C.John got an excellent score, which was unexpected.

D.John was disappointed at his math score.

听力原文:W: I heard you're moving to a new apartment soon.M: Yes, I have to, although it'l

听力原文:W: I heard you're moving to a new apartment soon.

M: Yes, I have to, although it'll be more expensive. My present roommate plays his tape recorder all night long and I can't sleep.

Q: Why does the man want to change his living place?


A.His roommate' stays awake all night.

B.He want to play his recorder at night.

C.The present one is too expensive.

D.The present one is too expensive.

听力原文:M: How about going on a camping trip next week with us? We are planning on hiking
and canoeing in the state park.

W: That sounds most fun. But I'd better warn you beforehand, I've never been in a canoe and I am not much of a swimmer either.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She'd rather go swimming than hiking.

B.She needs to buy a canoe before the trip.

C.She'd like to go although she has little experience.

D.She doesn't enjoy camping.

听力原文:W: Were all the reference books I recommended last week useful, Carter?M: Yes, pr

听力原文:W: Were all the reference books I recommended last week useful, Carter?

M: Yes, professor. We're all grateful to you and many of us hope to have opportunities to talk with you so that we can take more advice from you.

Q: What can we conclude from the conversation?


A.The man has borrowed books from the woman.

B.The woman has borrowed books from the man.

C.The woman would like to give more advice to the man.

D.The man appreciates the books recommended by the woman.

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