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May I stay here longer than planned的中文意思是()。





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试翻译以下句子:May I stay here longer than planned?中文意思是()。





May I stay here longer than planned?的中文意思是()。





听力原文:M: Hey, Lily. Seems you got some sun this vocation.W: Yeah, you may say so. I spe

听力原文:M: Hey, Lily. Seems you got some sun this vocation.

W: Yeah, you may say so. I spent the vocation at the beach.

M: Oh, yeah? That's great! Where did you stay?

W: Some friends of mine live out there. And they invited me for as long as I wanted to stay.

M: So, what are you doing back here already?

W: Oh, I have a research project waiting for me. And I just couldn't do any serious studying at the beach.

M: I guess so. Well, what did you do out there? I mean, besides lie out in the sun, obviously.

W: I walked my friend's dogs along the beach and I played some volleyball. You know, I never realize how hard it is to run on sand. I couldn't even get through a whole game before I had to sit down. It's much easier to run on the wet sand near the water.

M: Did you go swimming?

W: I wanted to, but they said the water wasn't warm enough for that until a couple of months from then on. So I just wetted in up to my knees.

M: It all sounds so relaxing. I wish I could get away to the beach like that.

W: Of course you could. Don't tell me you spent the vocation in the library again.


A.At the beach.

B.In Sun Company.

C.At home.

D.On campus.

People all have problems. If we don't deal with these problems, we can easily become
unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? There are many ways and here is one of them

Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn't like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendship may be lost.

When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us to learn.

25、What is the writer?()

A.A shopkeeper

B.A doctor

C.A student

D.A dentist

26、What is the main idea of the passage?()

A.How to deal with problems

B.How to do at school

C.How to behave with families

D.How to talk to each other

27、What will happen if people stay angry for long according to the text?()

A.They feel unfair

B.They may get sick

C.Good friendship may be lost

D.They may miss each other

28、From the passage, we know an important lesson for us is()

A.playing together

B.learning to forget

C.staying angry

D.feeling unfair

听力原文:W: Hi, Sid. I loved your concert last night! How ere you?M: I'm a little bit tire

听力原文:W: Hi, Sid. I loved your concert last night! How ere you?

M: I'm a little bit tired. We didn't go to bed until five o'clock in the morning. And I injured my ankle before the show. But I feel better this afternoon. I slept all morning. How did you like the show?

W: I loved it. Your singing was great. When are you playing next?

M: We have our next show here in New York at the Roxie Theater this Thurs day.

W: I would love to go, but l have to stay and work here at tile store.

M: Well maybe you can see us next week when we play in Washington.

W: Yeah, maybe. I'm planning to go to San Francisco on vacation in April, so I may not be able to travel to Washington.

M: Really! We were invited to play at the rock Music Festival in San Francisco in April, but we don't have a way of getting there. It's a long way from New York.

W: Well, a friend and I are driving across the country in a big van, and we might have room for you and the band.

M: That would be great! Let me talk to the band members and I'll call you later this week.

W: OK. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Do you need help looking for any records in the store today?

M: Yeah, I was looking for an album featuring John Coltrane and Miles Davis. Do you have any in stock?

W: No, I'm sorry, we don't. We can order one for you, or you might try down the street at one of the other record stores.

M: OK, I'll just try down the street. I'll give you a call later this week.

W: Good, see you later.


A.Playing the guitar.

B.Working at a restaurant.

C.Singing in a rock concert.

D.Dancing in a ballet recital.

听力原文:W: Hi Tim! How are you?M: Fine, thank you.W: I'd been wondering when I'd run into

听力原文:W: Hi Tim! How are you?

M: Fine, thank you.

W: I'd been wondering when I'd run into you. Have you been here long?

M: I arrived yesterday, on Sunday. How about you?

W: I got here a few days ago, on Saturday. No—wait a minute, what's to day?—Sorry Friday, not Saturday.

M: But we didn't have to be here till today.

W: Yes, I know, but I wanted to get my things moved into my room, and just take a look around. So, did you decide to do English in the end?

M: No, I changed my mind and opted for history instead. And you're doing biology, if I remember correctly.

W: Yes, although to start with I couldn't decide between that and geography.

M: How much reading have you got? I was given an amazingly long list of books to read. See!

W: Wow, it does look pretty long.

M: Well, I counted 57. I could hardly believe it! What's your list like?

W: Well, it's not as long as yours, but there are 43 altogether. I don't know how I'm going to get through them all.

M: Well you don't have to read them all this week! You just have to stay ahead of the lectures and seminars. Have you got your class schedule yet?

W: Yep. It came with the reading list. When's your first lecture?

M: Tuesday. How about you?

W: The day after. It's my busiest day; I've got two lectures in the morning and one in the afternoon.






听力原文:W: Where are you going to spend your holiday this year, Bob?M: We may go abroad,

听力原文:W: Where are you going to spend your holiday this year, Bob?

M: We may go abroad, but I'm not so sure.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, my wife's talking about Egypt recently. She may want to go there. I'd like to go there, too.

W: Yes, it's an interesting country to see.

M: But we can't make up our minds yet, you know, a round trip ticket to Egypt costs a lot.

W: But you may go by sea.

M: You're right. It's cheaper, isn't it?

W: You may save at least half of the money if you go by ship.

M: But don't you think it would take a long time and...

W: But you can enjoy the scene of the sea and the rising sun.

M: Yes. I'll tell it to my wife.

W: You'll definitely enjoy yourselves, I'm sure.

M: Don' t be so sure. We may not go anywhere.

W: You always hesitate at everything.

M: It's not my fault, you know. My wife always worries too much.

W: Like what?

M: Well, who's going to look after the house? Who's going to look after the garden? And who's going to look after the pets. We have these problems every year. And in the end we stay at home and look after everything.


A.It remains to be decided.

B.To go on a voyage.

C.To go to Egypt.

D.To stay at home to look after everything.

听力原文:When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyes

听力原文: When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyesight wasn't good enough. So I had to give up the idea. I went to university and studied physics. I wanted to stay on there and do research, but my father died at about that time. So I thought I'd better get a job and earn my living. I started working in an engineering firm.

I expected to stay in that job for a long time. But then, they appointed a new managing director. I didn't get on with him, so I resigned and applied for a job with another engineering company. I would certainly have accepted the job if they had offered it to me, but on my way to the interview I met a friend who was working for a travel agency. He offered me a job in Spain. And I've always liked Spain, so I took it.

I worked in the travel agency for two years and then they wanted to send me to South America. But I had just got married.So I decided to stay here. Then we had a baby and I wasn't earning enough money to support the family. So I started giving English lessons at a school in the evening.

I liked teaching English more than working for the travel agency, and then the owner of the school offered me a full-time job as a teacher. So I resigned from the agency. Two years later, the owner of the school wanted to retire, so he asked me to take over as the director. And here I am.


A.He didn't like physics any more.

B.His eyesight was too poor.

C.He had to work to support himself.

D.Physics was too hard for him.

听力原文:M: Doctor Brook, I just don't know what's wrong with mc. I always feel tired and
rundown. My wife finally persuaded me to visit you to find out what the trouble is.

W: Looking at your case history I see that you had pneumonia four years ago and that you also had a minor operation last year. Did you have any long aftereffects?

M: Well, I don't remember so...

W: For instance, how long did you stay at home each time?

M: Just a couple of days. But about six months ago I was home for about two weeks with a cold or something.

W: Did you see a doctor at that time or did you just stay home?

M: No, I didn't see a doctor. The symptoms were 'about the same as this time. When I began 'to feel better, I returned to work.

W: And when did you start feeling so tired again?

M: It must have been about ten days ago. When I came home from work one night there just didn't seem to be any reason to go back the next day.

W: Well, it sounds as if your problem may be the kind of work you do. The tests I just made don't show anything really wrong. But I would like to make some further tests in the hospital.

M: That's fine with me.

W: All right, you can check in tonight and I'll make the tests tomorrow morning.


A.Because he has pneumonia.

B.Because his wife told him to.

C.Because he feels tired.

D.Because his wife feels tired.

A.How long I intend to stay in the job?B.How much I'm paid in my present job?C.How muc

A.How long I intend to stay in the job?

B.How much I'm paid in my present job?

C.How much I expect to be paid in the new job?

D.What is your interest or hobby?

听力原文:M: Hey, Sally! Are you going lo stay in that bathroom for the rest of your Life?W

听力原文:M: Hey, Sally! Are you going lo stay in that bathroom for the rest of your Life?

W: Come on, I just got in here not more than live minutes.

M: You're kidding me. You've been there for two hours twenty four minutes and fifteen seconds.

W: All right, five more minutes, OK?

M: What're you doing there all the morning?

W: Taking a bath. What do you do in a bathroom? Get a sun tan?

M: A bath for two and a half hours?

W: What's wrong with that? I'm going out with Daniel tonight.

M: What are you saying that? No way! Mom doesn't let you go out on dates. Everybody knows that.

W: Yes, she does. She said I was old enough to make decisions for what I want to do.

M: That's a quick change. That's an awful mistake.

W: Do I look good in red? Or may be black, or anything else? Please give me some proposal to make me look better!

M: No, you look awful in either red or black I think white is better.

W: Is that so? I would better ask Mom for opinions. Are you free tonight?

M: Yeah...No, you're not going to use my car.

W: Come on, this is my first time going out on a date. I'll give you Stella’s telephone number in exchange.

M: Really? That's a deal.


A.They hate each other.

B.They cherish each ether.

C.The boy care about the girl very much.

D.The boy jokes the girl.

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