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She will have come ____________ six o’clock.





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更多“She will have come ___________…”相关的问题
_______ time,Denny would certainly have come and help me.

A.If she had

B.Had she had

C.If she would have

D.Did she have

听力原文:W: Hello, I am a senior student. Could you tell me whether this reference room is
only for faculty members?

M: No, the postgraduates and undergraduates can come too if they have their professor's written permission.

Q: Can the woman study in the reference room?


A.Yes, she can study there if she is writing a research paper.

B.Yes, but she needs to have the approval of her professor.

C.Yes, because she is a senior student.

D.No, it's open only to teachers and postgraduates.

A.He wanted Mary to come, but she couldn't.B.He invited Mary to the party.C.He didn't

A.He wanted Mary to come, but she couldn't.

B.He invited Mary to the party.

C.He didn't invite Mary to the party.

D.He didn't want to have a party because of business.

听力原文:W: I can't understand why Kathy didn't at least telephone me.M: She did! Didn't I

听力原文:W: I can't understand why Kathy didn't at least telephone me.

M: She did! Didn't I tell you? She said she was very sorry she couldn't come for dinner, but hoped to be able to next time she came to town.

Q: What did the man say about Kathy?


A.She didn't call to explain at all.

B.She didn't like to come for dinner.

C.She didn't have time to make the call.

D.She hoped to come for dinner next time.

听力原文:W: There is a table for eight over there. I think Tom should have invited Mary to
the party, don't you'?

M: It's none of our business. If Tom had wanted to invite her, he would have.

Q: What did the woman say about Tom?


A.He wanted Mary to come, but she couldn't.

B.He invited Mary to the party.

C.He didn't invite Mary to the party.

D.He didn't want to have a party because of business.

听力原文:M: Do you still remember our old classmate, Mary King? She called me the other da
y. She had just come back, and she also mentioned you. So what about going out to dinner on Friday night? Any suggestions?

W: You have the final word. I don't know any restaurant here.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


A.The woman will reserve a restaurant for the dinner.

B.Mary King will decide where they have their dinner.

C.The man will decide where to have dinner with Mary King.

D.The woman suggests that the man should ask Mary King.

A.The traffic jam is the only reason for the womans being late.B.The woman should

A.The traffic jam is the only reason for the womans being late.

B.The woman shouldnt live in her house any more.

C.The woman should have come to work earlier than she did.

D.The womans problem of being late can never be solved.

听力原文:M: What a pity it was that you couldn't come to dinner with us at that new French
restaurant yesterday. The food was wonderful, the atmosphere was warm, and we all agreed that you should have been there, too.

W: I'm sorry, but I just didn't feel up to it. I caught a terrible flu and thought I would be better off just staying at home.

Q: Why didn't the woman go to dinner?


A.Because she couldn't find the restaurant.

B.Because she was not invited to dinner.

C.Because she had a meeting.

D.Because she didn't feel well.

听力原文:W: Robie booked a table for eight. I think Robie should have invited Cathy to the
dinner party, don't you?

M: He is the holder of the party, if Robie had wanted to invite him, he would have.

Q: What did the woman say about.Robie?


A.He wanted Cathy to come, but she couldn't.

B.He invited Cathy to the party.

C.He didn't invite Cathy to the party.

D.He couldn't invite Cathy because he was not the holder.

听力原文:M: So, how is your new roommate, Sarah?W: She really turns me off, I have to say.

听力原文:M: So, how is your new roommate, Sarah?

W: She really turns me off, I have to say.

M: How come? Didn't she move in just a week ago?

W: Yes, she did. But she's driving me crazy. (19)She's always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks. What's more, she would mess up the room, (20) and I have to do the cleaning twice a day.

M: That's too bad. Haven't you talk about it with her?

W: Of course, I have. But it didn't work; she just pretended not to hear me. I'm thinking about complain to our instructor. I hope she will be forced to move out.

M: Well, good luck, then. By the way, where did your former roommate go?

W: You mean Jenny? (21) She went to America for further education. I learned from her email that she seemed to meet her Mr. Right on her vacation in California. I guess she may get married in a few months.

M: Oh, that's so disappointing. Then I will have no chance to tell her how I feel.

W: Oh my God. Are you saying that you have feeling for Jenny?

M: I'm just kidding. But I do miss her. You know, she has done me a big favor last month. I was doing some shopping that day, but when I was at the cashier's, I found I had left my wallet home. Luckily, Jenny was there. And it was she that helped me out.

W: I really miss her. I hope she could come back and live with me for another two years. She is so beautiful and considerate, totally different from my new roommate.

M: I agree.


A.Beautiful and considerate.

B.Rude and inconsiderate.

C.Beautiful but rude.

D.Helpful but careless.

听力原文:M: You have been getting back from lunch later every day. You do your shopping, d
on't you?

W: No. I spend most of my lunch hour at the library, but it's so quiet that I fall asleep.

Q: Why does the woman come back late from lunch now?


A.She goes home for lunch.

B.She spends her time shopping.

C.She gets interested in what she is reading.

D.She doesn't wake up in time.

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