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A.To buy some national debt.B.To open a savings account.C.To ask the interest rate.D.T

A.To buy some national debt.

B.To open a savings account.

C.To ask the interest rate.

D.To withdraw some money.

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更多“A.To buy some national debt.B.…”相关的问题
A.To watch the jewelry store robbery.B.To collect materials for her story.

A.To watch the jewelry store robbery.

B.To collect materials for her story.

C.To buy some valuable jewelry.

D.To take some photographs.

A.To open a gallery.B.To buy some new clothes in a hurry.C.To add up the cost before g

A.To open a gallery.

B.To buy some new clothes in a hurry.

C.To add up the cost before going shopping.

D.To lose weight before getting any new clothes.

A.To help them repair their brains.B.To stimulate their interests of the question.C.To

A.To help them repair their brains.

B.To stimulate their interests of the question.

C.To buy some medicine which can make them exciting.

D.To encourage them to do better.

听力原文:M:I need some new clothes. None of my blue leans fit, and I can't even button my
suit jacket.

W:Maybe you should first start counting your calories and then worry about your wardrobe.

Q:What does the woman suggest?


A.To open a gallery.

B.To buy some new clothes in a hurry.

C.To add up the cost before going shopping.

D.To lose weight before getting any new clothes.

听力原文:M: Where can I buy a computer? It doesn't have to be the best on the market. I'm
just going to use it to do word-processing.

W: You could go to a computer store, or a discount store, but if I were you, I'd look into some of the special offers through the university. I saw something in the paper just last night.

Q: What advice does the woman give the man?


A.To buy the computer at a discount store.

B.To put an ad in the newspaper for a computer.

C.To go to a computer store to buy the computer.

D.To buy the computer at the university as a special offer.

听力原文:M: I can't figure out what's wrong with my calculator. When I hit the clear butto
n sometimes the display freezes.

W: You should leave it to the electronics repair store. They have all the tools necessary to fix that kind of problem.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.To buy some tools needed to repair the calculator.

B.To ask the repair store to repair the calculator.

C.To hit the display until it mobilized.

D.To figure out what is wrong with the calculator.

听力原文:W: Professor, (19)I'm going to take part in a debate on advertising tomorrow. Wou

听力原文:W: Professor, (19)I'm going to take part in a debate on advertising tomorrow. Would you please give me some hint?

M: That's interesting. I should like to hear what young people think about advertising.

W: Well, (20)we wouldn't know what there was to buy if we didn't have advertisements.

M. Yes. that's true up to El point. Advertisements provide information that we need. If someone has produced a new article, naturally the seller wants to tell us about it.

W: Yes, and (20) advertisements tell us which product is the best.

M: Do they? I don't think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best, or at least tries to give that impression. Only one can be the best, so the others are misleading us, aren't they?

W: Well, in a way, I suppose, but we don't have to believe them, do we?

M: Are you saying that advertisements aren't effective? (21)I don't think that intelligent businessmen would spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believed the advertisements, do you?

W: (20)Perhaps not, }0ut after all, it's their money that they're spending.

M: Is it? I think not. The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article. You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising!

W: Well, (20)I suppose we get something for our money--some information.

M: Yes, but don't forget it's often misleading information, and sometimes harmful.


A.To ask the man to debate with her.

B.To get some suggestion about advertisement.

C.To invite him to be a judge for a debate.

D.To get some ideas for a debate.

听力原文:M: Could you help me please?W: Certainly, sir.M: I'm looking for something as a b

听力原文:M: Could you help me please?

W: Certainly, sir.

M: I'm looking for something as a birthday gift for my girlfriend.

W: Do you have anything special in mind?

M: I can't seem to think of anything.

W: OK. What about a nice scarf? We have some handsome scarves that just arrived.

M: Oh, no. I just gave her one for Christmas. She's never worn it. She doesn't like scarves. She would not speak to me again if I gave her another one.

W: I see. Perhaps, then, a nice necklace, a pair of bracelets, or a set of pins will do?

M: I don't know. I've never seen her wearing that kind of thing. She might not care for that either. Can you think of anything else?

W: I believe I have just the thing: a nice matched set of women's cosmetics: lotion, cologne, and lipsticks.

M: That does sound good. Just wrap it up and put this card in with it, please?

W: Sure, sir. It'll just take a few minutes.

M: All right, I'll wait.


A.To do some window-shopping.

B.To do some shopping with his girlfriend.

C.To buy a birthday present for his girlfriend.

D.To look for some gifts for his friends.

听力原文: Mass media are tools of communication. Mass media allow us to record and pass in
formation rapidly to a large, scattered audience. They extend our ability to talk to each other by helping us overcome barriers caused by time and space. There are various ways in which mass media make daily life easier for us. First, they inform. and help us keep a watch on our world. They gather and pass on information we would be unlikely or unable to obtain on our own. Second,mass media help us to arrange our time and life. What we talk about and what we think about are greatly influenced by the media. When people get together they tend to talk about certain happenings in the newspaper or on TV. Because we are exposed to differing points of view through different kinds of media every day, we are able to evaluate all sides of a certain issue. Third,the media are used to persuade people. A good example is advertisements through the media. Newspapers,magazines and TV are filled with all kinds of colorful, persuasive advertisements. Though many advertisements may not say openly that they want you to buy a certain product, they describe their products in such a way that you may want to buy them. Fourth,the media also entertain. All of the media make some efforts to try to entertain their audience. For instance, even though the newspaper is primarily a medium of information, it also contains entertainment features. Television, motion pictures, fiction books and some radio stations and magazines are devoted mainly to entertainment. It is estimated that in the future, the entertainment function of mass media will become even more important than it is now.


A.To make people well informed about the world.

B.To amuse and entertain people.

C.To help people arrange their time and life.

D.To give people a sense of honor.

RecessionsOn November 26, 2001, the news media announced the United States was officially


On November 26, 2001, the news media announced the United States was officially in a recession, and had been since March. To most Americans, this wasn't all that surprising: Rising unemployment and a weak stock market had been in the news for months.

Money Makes the World Go Round

A recession is a prolonged period of time when a nation's economy is slowing down, or contracting; Such a slowdown is characterized by a number of different trends, including:

- People buying less stuff

- Decrease in factory production

- Growing unemployment

- Slump in personal income

- An unhealthy stock market

- By the conventional definition, this slow-down has to continue for at least six months to be considered a recession.

This definition really raises more questions than it answers. What does it mean for the economy to slow down? Why does this happen? And what exactly is "the economy"?

People talk about the U.S. economy as an independent entity, but it is actually the result of millions of people's actions. You can understand the basic idea of the connection between people's actions and the overall economy by looking at only a few basic concepts: producers, consumers, markets, supply and demand.

Producers and Consumers

Broadly speaking, a nation's economy is the production and consumption of goods and services in that nation. Anybody producing or consuming things in a country plays some role in the economy.

Production and consumption are intertwined. In order for people to consume things, someone has to produce those things. And in order to produce things, you need to consume things(you need to consume natural resources and people's labor, for example).


In a market economy, or a modified market economy such as the U.S. economy, production and consumption are connected in various "markets." A market is simply a place where consumers can go to buy things from producers and producers can go to sell things to consumers.

A grocery store is an example of a physical market. People who want to consume food go to the grocery store and buy it from producers through a series of middlemen. The store itself is one of the middlemen, and there are usually others along the way(distribution companies, for example). The labor market is a more abstract sort of market. In this market, businesses who want to consume work pay people to produce labor. In the stock market, consumers and producers buy and sell percentages of ownership of companies.

As you can see, almost everybody is both a producer and a consumer acting in more than one market. If you have a job, you are a producer of labor. Whenever you go shopping, you are a consumer of goods.

Supply and Demand

The ultimate goal of producers is to make money—to bring in more money than they spent producing the product. Consumers may want to satisfy their wants and needs by buying products, or they may buy products in order to make money(by reselling the products or by using the products to produce other products). In any case, consumers generally want to pay as little for goods and services as they can.

In a market, the actions of producers and consumers determine the value of goods and services. Producers are the ones who actually set prices, but they do so based on the behavior. of consumers. If nobody buys a product at a particular price, the producer knows the price is too high. If some consumers buy it, but not enough to buy everything produced, producers must either decrease the price or decrease the supply. The willingness of consumers to pay for products is known as demand. Even if there is constant high demand for a product(toilet paper, for example), individual producers need to keep the price down or consumers will just buy




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