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Students will find the book __________ as it offers an abundance of information on the sub






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听力原文:W: I wish the university would build more parking lots. I had to park about a hal
f mile away from campus.

W: I know what you mean. It usually takes me forever to find a place.

Q: What can be inferred about the parking situation?


A.The students don't need to drive to campus.

B.There is a lack of parking areas on campus.

C.The university is building new parking lots.

D.The students are usually able to find parking places quickly.

What does the author say about graduate education in America?A.The best graduate education

What does the author say about graduate education in America?

A.The best graduate education is in Detroit.

B.Many graduates can't find a job in their profession.

C.Most graduate programs should be cancelled for good.

D.Most students receive graduate education just for a diploma.

Methods of studying vary; what works【C1】______ for some students doesn't work at all for o
thers. The only thing you can do is experiment【C2】______ you find a system that does work for you. But two things are sure:【C3】______ else can do your studying for you, and unless you do find a system that works, you won't although college. Meantime, there are a few rules that【C4】______ for everybody. The hint is "don't get 【C5】______ ".

The problem of studying,【C6】______ enough to start with, becomes almost【C7】______ when you are trying to do【C8】______ in one weekend.【C9】______ the fastest readers have trouble【C10】______ that. And if you are behind in written work that must be【C11】______ , the teacher who accepts it【C12】______ late will probably not give you good credit. Perhaps he may not accept it【C13】______ . Getting behind in one class because you are spending so much time on another is really no【C14】______ . Feeling pretty virtuous about the seven hours you spend on chemistry won't【C15】______ one bit if the history teacher pops a quiz. And many freshmen do get into trouble by spending too much time on one class at the【C16】______ of the others, either because they like one class much better or because they find it so much harder that they think, they should【C17】______ all their time to it.【C18】______ the reason, going the whole work for one class and neglecting the rest of them is a mistake, if you face this【C19】______ , begin with the shortest and easiest【C20】______ . Get them out of the way and then go to the more difficult, time-consuming work.






听力原文:W: Can I help you?M: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to

听力原文:W: Can I help you?

M: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Sociology and the Modem Age. According to the syllabus, the book is in the library, but I haven't been able to find it.

W: Do you have your syllabus with you? May I see it?

M: Yes, uh...I put it on the front of my sociology notebook. Oh, here it is.

W: Let me see. Oh yes. Your professor has placed this book on reserve. That means you cannot find it on the shelves in its usual place. You need to go to a special room called the reserve room. It's down the hall and to the right.

W: I'm sorry—I still don't understand what you mean by "on reserve".

W: You see, your professor wants everyone in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of the other students will have the opportunity to read it. So, your professor has insured that all students have the opportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.

M: So, will I be able to find this book?

W: Yes, when a book is on reserve, a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book. The student can have the book for a few hours, and he or she MUST read it in the library during that time. That way, the book stays in the library, and all students have a chance to read it.

M: Okay. Thank you. I understand now.

W: Will there be anything else?

M: No! I am on my way to the reserve room. Thanks again! Where did the conversation happen?


A.At a restaurant.

B.In a shopping mall.

C.In a library.

D.In a classroom.

听力原文:M: Amy, are you interested in joining us for the party this weekend?W: I'd love t

听力原文:M: Amy, are you interested in joining us for the party this weekend?

W: I'd love to. (19)But I have tutoring then.

M: Tutoring? I can hardly imagine that you need a help with a class.

W: (19) I mean I'm tutoring someone else, I go downtown to tutor a few students at the high school.

M: I find that hard to believe. And what subject do you tutor, math or something else?

W: Right. You see, the city is trying to raise the standards for its math classes. (20)The problem is, a lot of the kids are far behind when they get to junior high school.

M: Yeah, I have read such report in the newspaper. But does the time schedule conflict with your own classes?

W: (21)I only have three students for forty minutes each weekend, Most of the tutors there are students at the university, so our classes aren't over there. And we are volunteers, so the program doesn't cost a lot and the city education department likes us. M: Can you afford to take that much time away from your own studying?

W: Some weeks is kind of hard especially when the examination is approaching. But anyway I may as well get used to teaching easy materials to the students, so as to get the practical experience.

M: And it must be nice to help people.

W: Definitely, Forty minutes a week isn’t much time, (22)but all the three of my students have improved in the months we’ve worked together, It’s really inspiring.


A.She will take some lessons.

B.She will travel in the downtown.

C.She win attend the party.

D.She will do the teaching job.

听力原文:Most American university students study for 4 years or more to get a college degr

听力原文: Most American university students study for 4 years or more to get a college degree. During this time, they are called undergraduate students. When a student completes his courses, he earns a bachelor's degree which will help him find jobs.

Many students postpone finding jobs. They stay at the university and work for a higher degree. Other students take a job for a few years. When they quit working, they resume studying at the university. These students work to earn higher degrees, a master's or a doctorate. They are called graduate students.

Graduate students specialize in a particular field of study. They study to become experts in this field and to learn new advances in their fields while they earn an M.A. or Ph. D. Sometimes when they get an M.A. in one field, they begin studying in another field. They hope to get jobs that are interesting and high paying.

The life of a graduate student is often difficult. They are usually too busy studying to make a good living. Often they have to pay high tuition fees for their education. Some give up studying before they get their degrees. But most keep on working at their studies until they graduate. In today's world, most graduate students don't regret spending time on their studies. They are finding that things are changing very fast and study has become a necessity.


A.Three years or more.

B.Four years or more.

C.Five years or more.

D.Six years or more.

There are some very god things about open education.This way of teaching allows the st

udents to grow as people, and to develop their own interests in many subjects.Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education, as they are responsible for what they do in life.The open classroom may allow students to enjoy learning more.Some students will be happier in such a school.They will not have to worry about grades or rules.For students who worry about these things a lot, it is a good idea to be in an open classroom.

But many students will not do well in an open classroom.For some students, there are too few rules.These students will do little in school.They will not make good use of open education.For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom.They worry about the rules even when there are no rules.Even a few rules will help this kind of student.The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it.Many teachers do not believe in open education.Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their schools.

Since some of its good points and bad points have been explained, you may have your own opinion about open education.The writer thinks that open education is a good idea, but only in theory.In actual fact, it may not work very well in a real class or school.In some cases, students must be made to study some subjects.Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting.They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.

36.Open education allows the students to ().

A.achieve more in life

B.be ready for their own future

C.develop their own interests

D.learn subjects outside classroom

37.Open education may be a good idea for the students who ().

A.enjoy learning

B.worry about grades

C.believes open education is completely a good idea

D.are pleased to have rules

38.Some students will do little in an open classroom because ().

A.there are too few rules

B.they don’t like open education

C.they care much about their grades

D.open classroom is of little help to them

39.Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? ()

A.Traditional teachers like open education very much

B.Students do better in a traditional classroom

C.Students are not used to making so many choices in open education

D.Teachers may have problems in open classrooms

40.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?()

A.open education is a really complex idea

B.Teachers like traditional education

C.Students don’t have to worry about rules

D.Teachers’ feelings and attitudes are important to the students

听力原文:Students want to find the best way to put information into their long-term memori

听力原文: Students want to find the best way to put information into their long-term memories. They want to keep the information later when they take a test. What is the best way to learn inform0tion so they can remember it when they want to?

When studying, you should read the whole lesson first. This gives you the whole picture in which to put the ideas. New information that fits into the whole picture is easier to remember than separate facts. Yon also learn fester if you look at headings, introductions, important words, summaries, conclusions, and anything else that helps to organize the material, which is easier to understand.

Than the second step is to study the parts. Think about how they fit into the whole picture.

If you have a lot to study, don't try to do the whole job at once. Learning should be spread out and spaced. This gives the information time to "sink in." You should study grammar three times, a half hour each time. That is better than studying for an hour and a half at one time. Even shorter study periods are better for vocabulary lists and other difficult material. To learn the most in a two-hour study session, study different kinds of material; a half hour on grammar, 15 minutes on vocabulary, 20 minutes on writing, and so on. The change will help to keep you interested.

You forget most quickly right after you read or hear something new. You should review right away so you won't forget, and if possible, explain it to someone else. When you review and test yourself on the material, you are being active; active learning is better than just reading or listening.


A.It is normal to forget things.

B.How to keep things in your long-term memories.

C.How to study well.

D.How to get as much information as you can.

Passage Two Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. By almost any mea

Passage Two Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

By almost any measure, there is a boom in Internet-based instruction. In just a few years, 34 percent of American universities have begun offering some form. of distance learning (DL), and among the larger schools, it's close to 90 percent. If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven't heard of the University of Phoenix. It grants degrees entirely on the basis of online instruction. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.

While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructors post syllabi (课程大纲), reading assignment, and schedules on Websites, and students send in their assignments by e-mail. Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.

The attraction for students might at first seem obvious. Primarily, there's the convenience promised by courses on the Net: you can do the work, as they say, in your pajamas (睡衣). But figures indicate that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the course. While dropout rate for all freshmen at American universities is around 20 percent, the rate for online students is 35 percent. Students themselves seem to understand the weaknesses inherent in the setup. In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.

Clearly, from the schools' perspective, there's a lot of money to be saved. Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in servers and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded (升级) systems. The more students who enroll in a course but don't come to campus, the more school saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots. And, while there's evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course for a variety of reasons, they won't be paid any more, and might well be paid less.

62. What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A) Children do find lots of fun in many mindless activites.

B) Rebecca is much too occupied to enjoy her leisure time.

C) Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials for her writing.

D) A lot of distractions compete for children's time nowadays.

A.Many students find Prof. Johnson's lectures boring.B.Few students understand

A.Many students find Prof. Johnson's lectures boring.

B.Few students understand Prof. Johnson's lectures.

C.Many students have dropped Prof. Johnson's class.

D.Few students meet Prof. Jonson's requirements.

What does Kaput disapprove of in teaching?A.Asking students to find and solve problems on

What does Kaput disapprove of in teaching?

A.Asking students to find and solve problems on their own.

B.Developing students ability to apply what they learn.

C.Giving students detailed guidance and instruction.

D.Allowing students a free hand in problem solving.

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